[GAMES202] Lecture Note 5
Distance Field Soft Shadows
Distance Functions, SDF
Defination: The minimun distance to the closet location on an object Application Example: Interpolation SDF of a moving object… Calculating SDF: at each point, take the minimum of every object’s SDF value
Ray Marching, finding ray-SDF intersection: At each point p, travel as a safe distance.
Soft Shadows, at an point , to get the approximate percentage of the occlusion of towards an area light: From , each ray-marching step use to calculate the safe angle.
Pros: Fast rendering, high quality Cons: precomputation, storage (a 3D texture) and artifacts
Environment Lighting, IBL
An image light source from infinite distance, i.e. the incident radiance is only dependent with the direction , or the spatial .
General solution: Monte Carlo Integration
A BRDF Observation:
Separate the radiance term by approximation
Consider the diffuse constant-intergration and the specular lobe. (Recall: the accurate condition of the approximation: small support or smooth integrand)
Precompute Solution: The Split Sum Approximation
The radiance term
Prefiltered environment map, Query: given the incident direction of the lobe and filter size (lobe area) , return the intergrated radiance.
In detail: the diffuse reflection queries alongside the macronormal, while the specular reflection queries along the reflected direction
The BRDF term
Idea: Precompute the integration for different view direction (, or for isotropic materials) and surface parameter combinations. (roughness in NDF and G, base color in Fresnel, etc., different BRDF approximations need different set of parameters. resulting a 5+dim texture!)
An optimization: Extract ( is the specular reflectance at normal incidence) using the Schlick Fresnel approximation . (小疑问:ppt上将Fresnel项化简为下方第二行的式子,将原BRDF分为两部分积分从而提取出。但不化简好像也能达到同样的效果呀?)
Finally, we got the two integration parts that only depends on and (i.e. ). We can precompute this integration, and store it into a 2D texture with 2 channels (called the BRDF LUT or BRDF Integration Map).
Remaining problem: the shadows (visibility) from environment lighting?